PowerTools Gratitude Toolkit™- INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS

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PowerTools Gratitude Toolkit™- INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS


The PowerTools Gratitude Toolkit™ contains lessons, journal prompts, gatherings, circle prompts and a scaffolded project to support your students to identify and express gratitude. It also includes all materials needed, so all you have to do is print the pre-written handouts! Designed by teachers, our lessons are engaging, well paced, research-based, and age-appropriate. Research shows that practicing gratitude can reduce stress, increase happiness, create closer connections, and lower blood pressure- sounds good, right? Perfect for Advisory, group counseling, homeroom, AND the classroom.

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Lessons, rituals and a project.

Use as a unit, or select your own pace and focus.

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Step by step scaffolding helps you lead a strong, engaging session.


Too tired to prep?

Contact info@powertoolsforprogress. to ask about our PowerTools Gratitude Toolkit™ BOOSTER PACK. We assemble ALL of your materials (yes, including copies) so you don’t have to.

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