

Abby Lovett Uddin, EdD Program Manager

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Abby Lovett-Uddin is PowerTools’ extraordinary Program Manager. Currently, Abby is leading PowerTools’ partnership with BlocPower, coordinating the NYC BlocPower Civilian Climate Corps, an environmental justice employment initiative that serves up to 1000 people from areas of NYC with the highest rate of gun violence. This green energy employment program certifies participants in OSHA 30 plus SST, offers job training in construction and other green energy fields, and pays them for their time. Abby serves as program coordinator and curriculum designer.

In addition to working at PowerTools, Abby is a Systems Change Facilitator for New York State Regional Partnership Center. Abby was formerly a Senior Advisor for the New York City Department of Education, where she developed citywide professional learning, policy and monitored program implementation for administrators in the areas of instructional access, quality IEP’s, behavior and transition. Previously Abby was founding assistant principal and principal of a CTE high school in the Bronx, managing 5 state certified CTE trades and increasing graduation 13% during her tenure.

 Abby earned her Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Johns Hopkins University in August, 2021. She focused specifically on sense making theory and creating conditions for adult collaborative learning through increasing rigor in CTE schools. Abby has been a special education teacher, assistant principal, principal, and district level leader spanning K-12th grades in New York City and Oregon.  Abby also earned an MS Ed from Columbia, an MA in Special Education and Teaching from Pace University, BA in Family and Human Services and BS in Sociology from the University of Oregon.