Spring is Here! And so is Free Yoga for School-Based Staff

Spring is here! And yet there is still so much happening around us that is difficult to hold, from recent gun violence to the Chauvin trial. 

We need to keep in mind that our students are vicariously experiencing all of this right now—via media coverage and conversations, whether they are choosing to engage with it or not. And so are educators. How might it be impacting you? What might be the impact of this experience on BIPOC students and educators in particular? How might it show up in class? What does it do to trust and feelings of student safety?

Now is the time to boost our emotional support for youth, and for ourselves.

PowerTools is offering monthly free yoga classes for all school-based staff (teachers, admin, paras, office staff, school nurses, school safety, school aids… all of you!). And the next one is this Sunday, April 11 at 10am! Let us hold this space for you to be with your bodies and minds, however you need to. Please spread the word and join us via zoom for this hour long, all levels yoga class. And come again! Every second Sunday of the month at 10am. Register on our Shop/Sign Up page, we’ll send you the link. It’s that easy.

Some notes:

  • If you have a yoga mat, great! If you don’t, that’s ok too. You can use a beach towel or just the floor. We’ll work it out.

  • “All levels” means we will offer a lot of modifications for the poses we do. This helps you find the pose that’s right for your needs and your body on that day.

  • You’ll never have to turn your camera on if you don’t want to.

  • Unsure if this is for you? Message us and we can figure it out together.

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